
Monday, June 13, 2011

Bagels. :D

I completely forgot to post this!
Last month, after I got home from SMU, I spent one day making bagels. I must say that they were completely delish. If you don't believe me, ask my family.
Oh wait...
I guess you'll just have to take my word for it. And look at these pictures of my baking awesomeness!
Step 1: Mix the dough

Step 2: Let the dough rise

Step 3: Form dough into bagel-shapes. Step 4: Put bagel-shapes in boiling water (weird I know, but that's what makes them chewy!)

Step 5: Add desired toppings and bake

Step 6: Look at your delightful creation...and then consume in a fiery passion.
Awesome, huh? Yeah, I know you're impressed. Jk. :)
But to be honest, making bagels isn't all its cracked up to be. Sure, you get the satisfaction of eating your very own bagels (and basking in the glow of the fam's compliments). But on the flip side, you put over 3 hours of work to make only two dozen bagels.

Friday, June 10, 2011


Though you may not believe this, I am secretly a girly-girl. I love dresses, flowy skirts, high heels and earrings that dangle. Secretly, I wish I could wear skirts and vintage-style tops 24/7.
One of the many amazing outfits found on

That is why I love soooo much! May I just say that has the cutest clothes out there? Yes, yes I can!

Their most recent  lookbook, Sunlit Serenity is all about easy and fun summer beauty. It's full of delightfully flowing organza, pastels, and devinely feminine pieces. Sigh. My dream world. My five favorite pics are:

This dress is simply amazing!

I love the ruffle on this sleeve-utter perfection!
I love the vintage-look of the photography, props and locations.
I think every girl secretly wants a hammock
This top: I want it. :)
So, that's my blog post for today. :) Thought I'd share one of my secret obsessions with ya'll.
Loves and Hugs,

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Well, I did it.

That's right. I broke up with Matt. I'm not going to go into details, but I just thought I'd say a little about it.

I had been asking myself if I should break up with him for a while. And honestly, I have no regrets. Over the past year I have been pretty misrible; crying often and getting mad at him for no reason (or for big reasons). I didn't know why I was so upset and depressed all of the time.

I've come to realize that I was acting that way because I wasn't happy. It wasn't Matt's fault-he's a good person-it was just that deep down I knew we weren't meant to be. It was only recently that I really started to realize that.

And now that we're not together anymore I feel the greatest sense of relief. Now I'll have time to focus on myself and my friendships.

I don't regret the time that Matt and I were dating-I don't think of it as wasted time-I just wish I had realized that we wouldn't work out sooner.

Soooo, yeah. That's my blog for today. :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Secret #1:
If I could do anything, I would be an anthropologist. I wouldn't be studying to be a teacher. I would be studying cultures, languages, activities; things that separate and make similar different cultures. THAT'S my dream job. Not teaching.

Secret #2:
I just told secret #1 to my mom today. She changed the teaching. Secretly, I was crushed. What I wanted her to talk about was how I could be an anthropologist.

Secret #3:
I don't know if my boyfriend and I are meant to last. My close friends at college think we're cute together and that we'll be together forever. My friends at home don't really talk about my boyfriend unless they're teasing his "lack of manliness."
And then there's me.
I have no clue if we should get married in the future...or if I should not be with him and marry someone else.

Secret #4:
I want to travel the world. Which, if you know my small-town friends and family, you might find that hard to believe. I told my mom today that I would love to live in NYC for a year. The first thing she said was "Really?" and the second thing she said was "Ewww." Great confidence booster, Mom.

Can someone, anyone tell me what I should do? God? I know You're there. Please, tell me what career I should take, if my mom is right or not, or if I'm meant to marry Matt or somebody else.

I feel so lost.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The frogs sing lullabyes into my window...

I love the sound of Spring Peepers! They are probably my favorite sound to fall alseep to on a spring or summer night. And today, there is a mighty chorus coming from the pond down the hill. Sing, frogs, sing!

According to National Geographic, spring peepers are about the size of a paper clip! How funny is that?
The National Geographic link brings you to the Spring Peepers page with some facts about habitat, lifestyles, and sound--it even has an audio clip!

...I wonder if they perform musicals...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

How About Orange?

This is probably the best crafting blog ever! Jessica Jones' blog not only features her textile designs and creative genius, but the creative genius of others! Just about every day she posts something new--a cool website, links to tutorials, or her own creations. If you are interested in sewing, crafting, making cool pictures, or just wasting time on the web-How About Orange is the place to do it! It's my newest obsession.

Embarrassing Fact #1

Embarrassing Fact #1:

I love cartoons. Disney, Nickelodeon (The Last Avitar, for example), Cartoon Network...Even anime. Yes, it's true: I am secretly a nerd.

And proud of it! :D

P.S. Maybe it's not such a surprise that I'm a nerd.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Well, today was..... frustrating.
I have a cold, I had to watch my younger siblings (whom I love dearly, but keep barging into my room without knocking), I have a cold, I haven't seen my boyfriend in months, I have a cold, and I haven't managed to actually get anything done.
Did I mention that I have a cold? :-P
I also declared today a computer-free day...but obviously, that didn't happen. Oh well.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Worst News EVER: The Conversation


Now that you've read the previous blog entry, here's the version of the text conversation we had earlier this afternoon.

A=Me, Alycia
G=Girl who is going to make my family's life hard

G: Hey hon...It's me...
A: Hey there, what's up?
G: Can you keep a secret?
A: Totally, what's up?
G:Your uncle and i are done...
A: Done, as in not together?
G: Well i have to let him know my decision in a few days...And just the way im feeling... I dont think its going to get better... I just dont want you and the whole rest of the family to hate me cause it didn't work out between us... I dont know what he is going to say about me..
A: Ok. Well, if you are sure about it then I guess thats what you have to do. You've thought about it for a while, right?
G: Yes i have... I think we have grown apart and we both want different things right now...
A: Ok. Well, I wish you the best then.
G: I do feel really bad cause i know im going to hurt him... Especially after everything he has gone through :(
G: Do you hate me? I dont want the family to hate me.
A: I don't hate you, I'm just worried for him.
A: But I guess what you are doing is the lesser of two evils. Its better to do it now than 5 years down the road.
G: I am too! This wasn't a very easy decision...
G: I still feel bad... He has already been comparing me to his ex wife lately... I dont need him to do anything drastic.
A: We'll keep an eye on him. Just make sure you wont change your mind later. That would make it worse for everybody.
G: Yeah...

So if you want, tell me what you think by leaving a comment. Who do you think the "bad guy" is here? Am I overreacting? Should I tell someone back home? I feel like I should, just so they can be there for my uncle. Please help me make sense of all this!

The Worst News EVER

I can't believe what she just told me! And the worst part is I am sworn to secrecy. So where do I go to vent? My blog, of course.

Background Story:
This past summer my uncle got engaged to a girl. She's about 25 years old and he's in the lower thirties. I thought they were almost perfect for each other; they both love snowmobiles and they are both really into agriculture. They got along great.

The Problem:
His girl (soon to be EX-girl) just text me that she and my uncle have been talking about calling it off. She's going to tell him in a few days that they're done. DONE!
My uncle-he's my favorite uncle-has already been through one terrible marriage. (Turns out his then-wife was cheating on him with one of their friends from work. She then left him to live with said "friend" and had "friend's" baby 7 months later. They proceeded through the ugliest divorce known to man in which he had to give her a lot of stuff. One of the things she got was his red hot-rod.) He was really depressed after that. Once he tried to quit smoking, but he gave up on quitting after realizing one of the only things that was keeping him from committing suicide was the nicotine.
But then he met her and things seemed to be better. He seemed happy! But she turned into that jerk who doesn't want our family to hate her because "they want different things now."
Maybe I'm just a hopeless romantic, but that is NOT how it is supposed to end. They were going to get married, have their own little farm and raise some kids. Now he's going to end up with a broken heart and end up moving back with my grandparents.

This Sucks:
Why did she have to tell me? Probably because she can trust me to keep a secret, we were kind of close, and I'm two hours away from home, so I can't do anything.
I don't even have the guts to call her names for potentially breaking my uncle's heart and putting him in that depressive state again. She says it was a difficult decision for her to make, but she still lead him on. I don't know what to do.

I just pray that he'll be ok.

P.S. Why do I have to be so damn nice all the time?