
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Thy will be done, Lord

I know I didn't post this on the day it happened, but one of my past State Arts In directors died last Friday, August 6th.

*Short note: State Arts In (or SAI) is much like County Arts In, except on a larger scale and for people who have completed grades 9 though 13. Instead of meeting at the County Fair Grounds, all the SAI participants stay at the Minnesota State Fair Grounds, in the 4-H building (lovingly called the 4-H Hilton). Instead of 3 days, we take a whole week to learn the show (called Prep Week), and the techies build the stage, the costumers make our costumes, and the band practices like crazy. We have a short break where we go home, and then come back for the whole length of the Minnesota State Fair.*
Me Singing At SAI Prep Week 2007 (My First Year)
Performing For SAI2008-It Was A Castle Theme (I am center in purple dress)

The link here is a newscast done by WCCO about Jake Benesh's death, my past SAI director. During my first year of SAI (I was going into my sophomore year of high school), Jake was a fellow participant of mine. That was also when Matt and I met. Mine and Matt's second year of SAI, Jake was a Student Director.  Now, I won't say I was best friends with Jake, or even close friends. Truth be told, he kind of annoyed me at times. But who doesn't? One of the things I did like about Jake was that he was completely devoted to his faith.

My first year in SAI, during Prep Week, there was a big storm. In the middle of the night, we were all told to take our bedding down to the main level of the 4-H Hilton and sleep on the floor.
All Of Us Sleeping On The 4-H Hilton Floor

I believe the next day was a Sunday. Instead of sending us off to our respected worship sites (we Catholics would have walked a few blocks down the street to the Catholic Church nearby), our Directors asked that we stay on the Fairgrounds for our safety, and partially so the media wouldn't go on a rampage about 100 4-Hers "trapped" on the Fairgrounds (we were all completely safe). Those of us who wished to, could participate in a morning worship service conducted by our Director, some Student Directors, and some participants. For the worship service we gathered outside at the stage in front of the 4-H building. We sang a few familiar hymns, made butterflies out of paper (there was a meaning behind this, it was really touching), and some of the participants gave their testimonies.

 Jake gave his testimony that morning. It was really beautiful. It was about how he was raised Luthern, and how he wasn't really involved with God's plan-just doing his own thing. Then he went to a Baptist service with a friend and fell in love with all the love he was experiencing there. Later, he was baptized a Baptist. He was really active in his church community, and I believe it was this (or the past) summer that he went to Jamacia on a mission trip.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that even though he bugged me at times or he might of been a little bossy, he was a really wonderful person. And even though we do not share the same denomination of faith, his trust in God was something I want to aspire to. Rest In Peace, Jake Benesh. Please watch over me and help me to grow in faith like you did, and put all my trust in God. Watch over all of our fellow Artsies, be our guiding hand.

Thy will be done, Lord,

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